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Konas Recipes

Straight From the Source - Living Food

Fresh, innovative and exciting - the recipes created by Kona Van Diest are the perfect solution for every culinary need. Check out the mouth-watering recipes below and get in touch to build your dream menu today.


Raw Blueberry Tart

Serves 3-5


Serves 8


1 cup soaked organic raw almonds (at least 3 hours)

1/4 c.  raw coconut flakes

5  prunes

5  medjool dates, pitted

1/4 c. ground chia seed

1/4 c. ground flaxseed

1/8 c. maple syrup

2 tsp. cinnamon


2 1/2 c. frozen or fresh blueberries

2 medjool dates, pitted

1 tsp. vanilla bean powder

1/4 c. raw coconut flakes



  1. In a food processor, start with the dry ingredients first (almonds, chia, flax, cinnamon and coconut).  Process to a fine crumble, do not over-process.

  2. Add dates, prunes and a little maple syrup till the dough starts to fold in on itself.

  3. Transfer to a cheesecake pan and press the crust evenly into the bottom.


  1. Process blueberries with dates and vanilla bean powder, pulsing just till mixed ( leaving some blueberries partly whole.

  2. Transfer the blueberry filling over the crust in the cake pan and top with remaining coconut.

  3. Place in freezer for about 1/2 hour and you are ready to serve!

Note: Substitutions for almonds can include walnuts, hazelnuts, or brazil nuts.  Any berry can be used in the filling.

Nutrition – data from cronometer

460 calories/ slice – 17g fat (6.3g Omega 3, 6.3g polyunsaturated, 4.9g monounsaturated, 4.0g saturated), 7.7g protein, 78.8g carbohydrates.  These delicious treats are high in Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, and Manganese.

Zucchini Balls.JPG

Raw Coconut Zucchini Balls

Serves 4-6

1 cup of oats
10 pitted dates
1 medium zucchini
1/2 cup of nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans)
2 TBSP coconut oil
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground allspice
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 teas ground ginger
1/2 cup of shredded non sweetened coconut
Shred zucchini in a food processor and add oats, dates, nuts and spices one after the other.  Add coconut oil and put bit extra on your hands while your making balls.  The texture should be like cook dough if it is too wet add extra oats.  An ice cream scoops also works great for creating uniformity.  Roll balls in coconut and place in fridge for 2 to 3 hours.
Health Benefits
Summer squash (zucchini) is an excellent source of manganese, which helps facilitate protein and carbohydrate metabolism and activate enzymes that are responsible for the utilization of important nutrients such as biotin, thiamin and choline.  Its vitamin C content act as a powerful antioxidant that has great benefits for heart health.  It’s not only high in nutrients but low in calories.  One cup of summer squash only contains 36 calories.

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